
I am a cynic, skeptic, romantic, and realist. I identify with cultural differential feminists, conservative at times, libertarian wannabe, and more liberal than I admit. I am no party loyalist. I stand for truth, justice and those not spoken for. Come let us reason together. I am an amalgamation of many influences, ethnicities and cultures. However, my foundation is built on a triad: my granny, my mom and my father. My granny’s southern wisdom and mother-wit, my mom’s naïveté in always believing the good in people, and my father’s stubbornness and ambition are the makings of me. My ambition, drive, and skepticism come from my father, who always told me to try and question everything. My mother’s influence is the still soft voice that encourages me to balance the cynicism with kindness.

My passion is education access. Education is a birthright not a privilege, regardless of social or economic status. I was an instructor of rhetoric at the University of Illinois, teaching Freshman Writing and Research. My teaching style was adopted as a model for graduate teaching assistants. I continue mentoring teens and first generation college students in college and career preparation.

I have worked in state government. My background is as a lawyer. In 2011, I moved to NYC to pursue a dream deferred – becoming a writer and published author. I started Ronda-isms: Good Bad & Ugly to chronicle my transition to NYC and further refine my writing skills.  Ronda-isms™ is me laid bare for you – imperfections, inspirations, sarcasm, wit, and everything in between. My goal is to inspire laughter, tears, strength, and encouragement – preferably all in one post. If my writing “to embody the words of Maya Angelou, “when a writer or an artist tries to tell the truth and tries to tell it eloquently, it appeals to all people, regardless of race.”

In 2014, I became a contributing writer for the Huffington Post in August, 2014. Several articles have been “Featured Posts” on the front page,  in Politics, Style, Education, Business, Arts & Culture, Black Voices. André Leon Talley, former editor-at-large for Vogue, said that my article on him was “one of the finest pitched profiles ever in life…brilliant…marvelous talent of wordsmithing.”

My motto in life is that failure is an option and it is okay, just keep on trying. Failure is the breeding ground for success if you are willing to learn from your mistakes and not repeat them. You have to be willing to be the man in the arena “who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Thank you for traveling this journey with me.


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Writing Portfolio/Samples HERE

Andre Leon Talley, Ronda Lee at St. Louis Art Museum