I had a milestone birthday recently. I had been looking forward to this auspicious occasion and planned to celebrate with a trip to Europe. As the saying goes, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” Europe was out of the question, but I desperately needed to get out of the city. I used to think NY city dwellers were being pretentious heading out of the city every weekend in the summer. However, after a year in the city the concrete jungle begin to bear down on me. I needed to get out and smell the fresh air, away from the hustle. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and I needed to leave the city in order to love it again, even if only for a weekend. I planned a getaway to Mystic country. If you’re thinking Mystic Pizza, you are right. Instead of staying in Mystic proper, I decided to completely vegg out at a bed and breakfast twenty minutes away from Mystic. I wanted sun, beach, lemonade, a rocking chair and to pretend like I was in a Country Time lemonade commercial. Remember the one with the grandfather on the porch with the grandson. “Give me those lazy hazy crazy days of summer!”
Ironically, even getting out of this city for a weekend of relaxation is an obstacle training course. I packed light and headed to Amtrak. I arrived forty-five minutes before departure. There is no gate listed for my train?! I ask an attendant. “Oh, we don’t put gate numbers up until 10-15 minutes before departure.” What type of madness is this? Like other New Yorkers, I had one eye on the gate departure board and eye at the gates to find the quickest route. Exactly ten minutes before departure, the gate number appears. I make a mad dash to the gate. It’s like the running of the bulls. Watch out or you will get gorged by luggage toting passengers and don’t think about cutting the line! There are already 50-70 people in line. Darn. They must take this train often. After feeling like I just ran the 100 meter dash, I find a seat by the window. I am tired just getting on the train. I need to relax so I take out my reading material, “The Hummingbird’s Daughter.” Reading a good book always relaxes me and helps me tune everything out to totally engross myself in the story. The sun was shining and the train pulled out of the city. Mini vacay here I come. Go Ronda it’s your birthday present to yourself. (cue 50 cent song “It’s your birthday”).
As the train approached New London CT, I look out the window and it is along the bay. I see boats and this gorgeous wooden barge. I thought to myself, this place looks so nice wish I was staying there. My B&B was ten minutes from New London. I knew I was out of the city because upon exiting the train I smelled fresh cut grass. Imagine my surprise as the cab takes me over a bridge into Niantic and I see the barge and boats I saw on the train in. Oh this is a good sign. I think I will like it here. This is where I am conflicted. I had a lovely time at the place I stayed, but if I tell and it becomes a tourist trap then where will I go to get away from the city. Here is the review I wrote at the Inn –
Shh! Don’t tell anyone. If word gets out then I might have trouble getting a room the next time I want to sneak out of the city and remember what it’s like to be human. The smell of fresh cookies, the view and the people. Here hospitality and customer service is not good business practice, just Sue Dave & the staff being the friendly nice people they are. Oh breakfast is good. I think I relaxed too much! Remember don’t tell your friends or there will be a line to get in. My first B&B and this Chg-NYC girl is hooked.
To find out of the name of my secret hiding place read tomorrow’s blog. Nothing like a cliff hanger to have you tune in for Part 2.