No journey is without difficulty. “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” There are two recurring themes that I have learned from my journey trying to transition from attorney to published author. First, there will be more failures than successes. However, my favorite Ronda-isms™: “Failure is option and it’s okay – just keep trying.” Don’t let the failures weigh you down. A knock down is not a knock out. Learning to take a punch and get back up is necessary. Athletes and soldiers are taught how to fall. You can fall and injure yourself; or, you can learn how to fall with yourself intact. Bob and weave, take an eight-count, and then stand up.
The second thing that I learned was not to be hard on yourself and be willing to accept help. I pride myself on being independent and strong. However, some times the journey can knock you down such that you question your abilities. Self reflection is necessary, but when you start second guessing yourself that can be a slippery slope. That is when a support system fills the gap. The past six months have been the most trying and disappointing of my NYC journey. It has been filled with extreme lows. With all seemingly stalled or going downhill, I reached out to a friend. Her words of encouragement and love gift to sustain me financially were enough to make me cry with gratitude. Even the strong need someone to minister to their wounds when their heart and soul is weary from the journey. That someone cared enough and believed in me to invest in me, no strings attached, was like water in a dry place.
I look at the horizon wondering what lies ahead. How many doors will close before that all important “one” will open? I do not have the answer. All I know is one step in front of the other. Lean on the shoulders of my friends and family when I feel weak. Take a rest stop when the load becomes too heavy. Be grateful for the opportunities that have presented.
Rome was not built in a day and neither will my dream. Little by little, precept upon precept. Keep calm and carry on.