The movie trailer was released and critics might as well thrown bullets at Spike Lee. These were not your normal movie critics.These were Chicago residents upset by the two minute trailer they claimed put their city in a bad light. Chicago is my hometown. News flash: the movie did not put you in a bad light. Rod Blagojevich, Barbara Bryd Bennett, and the highest violent crime rate put you in a bad light. Some are urging a boycott of the movie. A two minute trailer has people jumping the gun and taking aim at Spike Lee. No wonder the city is getting a bad reputation. No innocent until proven guilty. No further evidence necessary. No need to see the entire movie. Spike has been tried and convicted by a jury of Chicagoans and they are ready to execute judgment.
Naturally, I have a different take on the hoopla. Read my article, Lysistrata & Chi-Raq: A Modern Retelling.